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Performance Art

MORI  by indigolily

2016.10 / BIWAKO biennale / Shiga, Japan


words from Haruki Murakami's novel, Hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world.


Directed and produced by Sayuri Hayashi and Ai Hiroshima Hjelm

​Music and Film by Sayuri Hayashi
Choreography by Ai Hiroshima Hjelm

Performers: Ai Hiroshima Hjelm, Aina Johansson

Musician: Björn Arkö, Hannes Egnell, Sayuri Hayashi

Voice: Shun Sakamura

MORI by indigolily


2016.04 / Kulturnatt Sthlm / Stockholm, Sweden


words from Haruki Murakami's novel, Hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world.


Directed and produced by Sayuri Hayashi and Ai Hiroshima Hjelm

Performers: Ai Hiroshima Hjelm, Aina Johansson, Björn Arkö, Hannes Egnell, Sayuri Hayashi, Shun Sakamura.

Choreography by Ai Hiroshima Hjelm
Music by Sayuri Hayashi

コ【Co】existence - side B

2015.08.22/ Östasiatiska museet/ Stockholm, Sweden

Another side of the former experiment, コ【Co】Existence. 
Experience a completely different journey of self-discovery.

The performance still questions and challenges the dilemmas that emerge as we evolve and grow relationships.But what if "I" cannot coexist with others? 


Directed by indigolily

Performers: Ai Hiroshima Hjelm, Aina Johansson, Emelie Söderberg, Hannes Egnell,  Maddy Savage, Makiko Kanno, Miriam Wallin, Pennie Chen, Pramodini Makehelwala Seneriathne, Sayuri Hayashi, Takaharu Kanno, Tinka D'souza

Choreography by Ai Hiroshima Hjelm
Music by Sayuri Hayashi


2015.06.06/ Teater Reflex/ Stockholm, Sweden

Experience a dramatic journey of self-discovery through music and dance. The performance questions and challenges the dilemmas that emerge as we evolve and grow relationships.


Directed by indigolily


Performers: Ai Hiroshima Hjelm, Aina Johansson, Elisabeth Swayze, Emelie Söderberg, Hanna Bylund, Hannes Egnell, Linnea Häggkvist, Maddy Savage, Maeva Schaller, Makiko Kanno, Pennie Chen, Pramodini Makehelwala Seneriathne, Sayuri Hayashi, Takaharu Kanno, Tinka D'souza


Creative Team

Choreography - Ai Hiroshima Hjelm

Music - Sayuri Hayashi

Sound and lighting - Souta Nishihara

Film - Vincent Palma

Make-up - Cecillia Skogholt


PR Team

Poster Design - Sayuri Hayashi

Poster Photo - Benoir Derrier

Film - Vincent Palma

Photo - Hannes Egnell


Beyond workshop

2014.11.22 - 2015.06.01/ Bagarmossen/ Stockholm, Sweden


Experience a dramatic journey of self-discovery through music and dance. The performance questions and challenges the dilemmas that emerge as we evolve and grow relationships.


振り付けと身体表現指導を行うAi Hjelm Hiroshimaと共に、ストーリー、舞台表現をSayuri Hayashi が2人でディレクションを務める。劇中の全ての音楽をkrimskramsが担当する。



De andra 

2014.11.15/ Teater Pero/ Stockholm, Sweden

An experiment of four egos dissolving into molecules.


Piano: Sayuri Hayashi

Drums: Hannes Egnell

Song: Hanna Bylund

Dance: Ai Hiroshima Hjelm




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